Monday, August 11, 2014

Golden Retriever Dog

Golden Retriever Dog

Search Golden Retriever

Chizu Dog Photo

Long Hair Chizu Dog

Long Hair Chizu Dog

Chizu Dog Photo

Chizu Dog Photo

Smile dog

Smile dog

Chizu Dog Photo

Long hair dog

Chizu Dog Photo

Chizu Dog Photo

Chizu Dog Photo

Chizu Dog Photo

Cihzu Dog

Cihzu dog

Friday, August 1, 2014

Ciri Fisik Anjing

Ciri fisik
  • Penglihatan
  • Indera pendengaran
  • Indera penciuman

Jenis Jenis Penyakit Anjing

Penyakit penyakit Anjing

Penyakit Anjing - Distemper
Penyakit Anjing - Leptospirosis

Penyakit Anjing - Parvovirus Canine

Penyakit Anjing - Rabies

Penyakit Anjing - Granumaltosa Hepatitis

Jenis Jenis anjing

Jenis Ras Anjing :

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Peliharaan anjing cihzu

Anjing cihzu adalah anjing yang lucu dan anjing yang memerlukan perhatian dari pemiliknya, anjing ini sangat lucu di saat rambutnya panjang, sehingga sangat mirip dengan boneka, di sisi lain anjing ini sangat senang jalan jalan.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Anjing golden retriever.

Anjing golden retriever adalah jenis anjing ras yang mempunyai sifat yang baik, kemanapun kits pergi atau memanggil dia, si anjing tersebut selalu siap walaupun sedang ngantuk.

Jenis anjing ini adalah periang, suka bermain main dengan bola dan berpostur besar dan tinggi. Bisa sebagai pembantu manusia dan loyal dengan tuannya.

Kalau punya anakan anjing tersebut atau punya makanan, assesoris dan sebagainya untuk di jual atau mencari, boleh beriklan melalui media

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Help, My Polar Bear Has Dental Caries! by: Rodrigo Trigosso

If someone owns a polar bear with dental caries, that guy has a big problem: he owns a polar bear! Besides being dangerous, illegal, unethical and unmoral, owning a polar bear has to be very expensive. Most of us never had, and will never have, to deal with health issues of polar bears. However, zookeepers and veterinarians have to deal with animal health issues everyday, and sometimes with polar bear�s teeth decay. Health issues of a captive animal directly affect the biological and psychological welfare of that animal. So, quick diagnostic procedures are, or should be, a priority for modern zoos.
But, how to know if the polar bear has dental caries? Or the elephant is shortsighted? Or the penguin has lost weight? Well, some modern zoos are using positive training (reward-based training) as a quick and non-invasive way to assess health issues in captive wild animals. Through positive training, which is based on principles of operant conditioning, some modern zoos have obtained the cooperation of their animals during diagnosis. It is quite fascinating to know that polar bears open their mouth to let the vet check their teeth, penguins voluntarily step on a scale so zookeepers can weight them, tigers offer their tales to let the vet get a blood sample, and diabetic chimpanzees voluntarily extend their arms to receive their daily injections. But it is even more fascinating to know all those amazing things happen because of mutual respect and cooperation between zookeepers and animals that have been trained without any punishment. While this kind of training is not new, it was not accepted by zoos until a few decades ago. It was Karen Pryor, a biologist and dolphin trainer, one of the few scientists that strongly promoted positive training as an effective way to deal with captive animals. Practitioners of her training method, known as clicker training, are increasing quickly. Positive training should be part of enrichment programs of every current zoo and aquarium in the world. Hopefully, it will become a standard part of zoo procedures in the following years.
While training shouldn�t be the only way of environmental/behavioral enrichment, it certainly can play an important role in any enrichment program. Hopefully, environmental and behavioral enrichment guidelines will find grater acceptance beyond zoos and aquaria. It would be great to find those guidelines while reading books about dogs, cats, hamsters or any other pet. I believe this will happen soon. Meanwhile, keep yourself away from polar bears with dental caries. About The Author Rodrigo Trigosso is the editor in chief at where you can find great info on canine training and behavior.

Discover Ideas About A Bat House by: Rudy Silva

Having a bat house is important. It helps to maintain the presence of bats in your surroundings. In contrast to what many perceive, bats are helpful to the environment as they control the nocturnal insects such as the mosquitoes and other yard and garden pests, without harming the bird population. Bats maintain the balance in nature as they are the primary predators of night-flying creatures, and consumers of many pests. They are mankind�s most valuable ally. One brown bat catches hundreds of mosquito-sized insects in an hour. A typical colony of big brown bats protects the local farmers from the expensive attack of more than 18 million rootworms every summer.
These nightly creatures are clean; they do not get entangled in your hair, nor interfere with your backyard birds. They are less disrupted by pets and children if they have a bat house. However, not all bat houses for sale are the same. Not all are built similarly as well. If the bats houses are stout and short, you have little chances of attracting the bats. The Organization for Bat Conservation documented the key requirements to have a successful house for bats. For starters, the house built for bats must have �-inch roosting space, 4-6-inch landing area, and at least 16 inches tall and 12 inches wide for roosting compartments. If there are more chambers found in the house, you will have greater occupancy rates. The best place to install the house is on poles and structures. The houses should also face south or east to take advantage of the morning sun. Also, the color of painting of the house must use non-toxic or water-based, latex paint. They should also be mounted at least 15 feet above the ground. Due to many decades of misconception, baseless human fear, persecution, and the loss of habitats, bats are in an alarming decline. One way to protect their existence is by putting up a bat house in your yard. Anybody is encouraged to mount houses for bats especially if your area is infected with pests. There are many bat houses for sale. But you have to choose the ones that are certified by the Organizations of Bat International or those which are designed for OBC. You can go to the outlet or office of Bat Conservation and Management Bat houses located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. They have a wide variety of bats houses including the Bat boxes, Bat Can, and Bat house kits.
Another place to shop is the Bat Conservation International Bat houses in Austin, Texas. Their bats houses include single, double, triple, and quadruple chamber houses. You can also buy bat house kits, bat condos with cameras, and Belfry tower bat tube. Other places to buy bat houses for sale are Habitat for Bats, Chiroptera Cabin bat house, Canadian bat houses, Maberry Centre bat homes, the Bat Certified bat houses, and the bird shed.
About The Author If you love birds, then come to . We have all kinds of bird products - feeders, baths, houses, and accessories. For the bat house you need, come to Wooden bat house and look over the variety of bat houses you can enjoy.

Frontline Plus For Dogs by: Michaels Shaws

Fleas and ticks are the most common irritants in dogs. Yet they happen all the time, with every season change causing irritation in dogs. But one can easily get rid of the annoying disturbances by just applying Frontline Plus for their dogs on a regular basis. It is very easy to use but is mighty effective. With a single usage, the owner can kill almost 100 percent ticks in a single day. Frontline Plus for dogs consists of a chemical S-methoprene which retards the growth of the ticks and fleas, causing them to ultimately perish. The chemical is strong enough to kill the larvae and eggs also. A single package of Frontline Plus can cover three months of a tick-free dog. Ticks and fleas cause lots of skin irritation in dogs and hence Frontline Plus is formulated to get them rid of the irritants. The Frontline Plus liquid is available in three packs and an even take care of the dangerous deer tick, American dog tick and even star tick. The hazardous disease called Lyme can be taken care of with Frontline Plus. A dog owner can start applying the drug once their pooch is over eight weeks. The best thing about Frontline Plus is that being waterproof, it works wonders even when the pet is completely drenched in water, and hence it does not affect any kind of activity of the dog.
After Frontline Plus is applied on the dog, the fleas and ticks get visible which means that the drug is indeed working. The application of the drug makes them hyperactive, making them come out to the coat before they die. Frontline Plus consists of two strong substances namely Fipronil which is a kind of slow poison on tick and fleas and attacks their central nervous system. The second substance, known as S-Methoprene checks their growth, finally killing them. The drug once administered gets locked in the sebaceous glands of the dogs and keeps on releasing the chemicals in order to get rid of the ticks and fleas. As all medicines and drugs are known to have side effects, even Frontline Plus does react. Hence, it is very important that the dog owner consult the vet before administering the drug to their pooch. For different dogs, the drug reacts in a different manner. Some dogs may experience irritation which can even increase with time, but it is not a case to worry.
No matter how much care you take, ticks and fleas invite themselves to your homes through dogs who love to play in mud. The pests then harm the pets and even make them uncomfortable. Hence, it is advisable to use Frontline Plus regularly to give the pets the best of life for their growing years and prevent reinfestation of the ticks and fleas. About The Author Frontline Plus For Dogs - Our Pet Pharmacy is your online pet store offering discount prices on pet supplies, medications, products & accessories.

English Cocker Spaniel Dog Breed by: Scott Lipe

The English Cocker, more commonly referred to as just a Cocker Spaniel, is a medium sized dog that is well know for their long droopy ears and their almond shaped eyes. They have silky hair that is slightly wavy and can come in a huge verity of colors, from particolors, tricolors, roam, and solid colors (on a solid colored dog a small white mark on the chest is the only discoloration allowable). They should have a defined stop, and a bright, intelligent expression. Cocker Spaniels are a compact dog and should have strait forelegs, tight 'cat like' feet with plenty of feathering on their front legs. History. One of the oldest spaniel breeds, the Cocker Spaniel can be traced back to 14th century Spain, however at this time all spaniels were categorized as being the same, then depending on their size used to either spring game or flush out woodcock. It was these differences that led to the official separation of the breed into the Springer Spaniels, and the Cocker Spaniels in 1892, they also split the general 'spaniel' breed into other separate breeds that we know today. During the 1930's the Cocker Spaniel became the most popular breed throughout the UK and remained so for almost 30 years.
Temperament. The Cocker Spaniel is an intelligent and sturdy dog; they are loving, affectionate and excellent with children. However, A Cocker Spaniel is in fact a wonderful dog, they are gentle, playful and make some of the best companions. They are an outgoing dog, who when properly socialized, will easily take to strangers without any negative behavior. Health Issues. Cocker Spaniels have an average life span of around 10-12 years which is just a bit lower than average for a dog of their size. The most common medical problems they can suffer from are skin conditions, cataracts, deafness (6%), heart murmurs, and benign tumors. Due to their long ears they can also be prone to a lot of ear infections and as with a lot of dogs they can also suffer from hip dysplasia. Its worth noting that they are one of the handful of dogs that can suffer from 'Rage Syndrome', this is a genetic mental condition that can cause the dog to suddenly attack aggressively, after the episode though the dog will have no idea what has happened, as during these 'rage attacks' as they black-out mentally. This is a rare condition and is mostly only found in show dog lines, it is thought that syndromes can be traced back to one dog, who won at the Westminster Kennel Club and went on to become a top sire. Studies have shown that 'Rage Syndrome' occurs most often in the darker solid colored Cocker Spaniels, this is thought to be purely because these are the dogs most commonly bred for the show ring, and not actually a direct link to the color itself. Grooming. Cocker Spaniels need daily brushing to keep their coat in good conditions and to keep it from tangling, however, most pet dogs tend to have a shorter coat than show dogs and are often clipped shorter. If this is the case then you won't need to brush the dogs quite so often. They do mostly need to be regularly trimmed to keep their hair to the optimal length wanted.
Living Conditions. Cocker Spaniels will do well living almost anywhere, although giving them a good daily walk or run is required. They are an energetic dog and will happily accept all the exercise they can get, and then some more. About The Author Be sure to check out my website Teacup Yorkie

Saint Bernard Dog Breed by: Scott Lipe

Description. Most people have probably come across this dog, or at the least seen a picture of one. Even as a puppy they would probably be described as a medium to large dog, as adults, they are little short of enormous. Normally standing 25 to 27 inches in height and weighing between 110 and 200 pounds. However, the largest recorded dog was apparently nearly 2 m in length and weighing 140kgs. As with everything else the Saint Bernard's head is massive and powerful, with a thick muscular neck and heavyset muscular body. Being such a large dog diet is very important, when first obtaining one of these dogs you should find out the various supplements and food types the dog is at present eating. If purchased as a puppy, the breeder will give you a diet sheet upon request. Inadequate diet or incorrect feeding may cause problems for this dog, which as, given its size it can not afford to have. They can come in a variety of colours, and can have either rough or smooth coats, eitherof which is very dense. These dogs can only be described as looking like an enormous great teddy bear. History. Saint Bernard DeMenthon is believed to have founded this breed in 980A.D. and is most probably the result of crossing or mixing the breeds of the great Pyrenees, the great Dane, the Tibetan mastiff, and the greater Swiss mountain dog. The original dogs were of the shorthaired variety as it was soon noticed the longhaired variety tended to form icicles in their coat. St Bernard DeMenthon had formed a hospice, which could be used by weary travellers. During the 17th century St Bernard's were often used for rescuing people from avalanches, or travellers who had collapsed in the snowy passes. They have a very keen sense of smell and can actually scent a person through several feet of snow, and even dig them out. Believe it or believe it not, upon finding a person buried in the snow a dog would lie alongside, which provides the person with warmth. It would then attract the attention of another dog, by barking, who would then head back to the mission to collect a rescue team. Along with their trademark small barrel hanging under their neck, they were able to provide rescue and fortification. Furthermore, because of their size they were actually capable of pulling small sledges, or assisting the weary traveller, which adds taking the casualties of the weather to suitable refuge, to the list of tasks this dog is capable of.
Temperament. As a breed they are tolerant and obedient and loyal friendly and tolerate children very well. It is important to socialise these animals as young as possible, and also to commence training as early as you can. One very important factor in training is to discourage them from jumping up on humans. Obviously given the size this animal grows to, if jumping up is not stopped, it could be a major problem in the future, and could cause serious injury to elderly relatives. Another consideration in training is that they must respond to your commands, again at this size you cannot afford this dog to run wild and please itself. Although very good and tolerant with children, and have been known to allow children to hang in their hair, a certain amount of care must be taken because at this weight a simple accident could have serious results. The dogs are not malicious at all, but accidents can happen, just be aware. Health issues. St Bernard's are prone to some health problems, the obvious hip dysplasia, skin problems a condition known as wobbler syndrome, some heart problems, a condition of the eye where one of the eyelids folds outwards, also twisted stomachs. They are also a little prone to bloat. It is better to feed these dogs three small meals rather than one large meal daily. It is important to avoid the temptation to overfeed this dog, their normal weight is enough of a strain on the skeleton, they can ill afford to be overweight, it will only cause them problems later. Overfeeding of a dog is neither a treat nor a kindness of the owner.
Grooming. Shedding occurs twice a year, you will notice when. Generally their coat is easy to look after with brushing, using firm bristles, and combing. Bathing should not be done frequently as it strips the protective oils from their coat destroying the water resistant properties. When bathing, use a very mild shampoo. Special attention needs to be paid to the eyes, keeping them free of grit, dust, or other things that may irritate, being prone to eye problems this is obviously an important part of the dogs care. Living conditions. Whilst they prefer living indoors, with the family, they are capable of living outside in most weather conditions, as long as suitable shelter is provided. They require a large amount of exercise, but as long as it is provided, they are fairly inactive inside, and they can, in fact, live in an apartment. They do not do well in hot weather, cars, or warm rooms.
About The Author For more information on the Saint Bernard Dog Breed, Dog Training methods and Teacup Puppies for sale including Yorkies, Chihuahuas and Morkies Please visit my website below. The author invites you to visit:

Dog Collars and Leashes by: Jeff Nenadic

Rhinestone studded, reflective, leather and patterned are just some styles of dog collars and leashes available in today�s huge pet supply market. Dogs of every breed and size have a variety of options when it comes to collars and leashes.
Our beloved dogs are special to us so giving them the best collar and leash, at the most affordable price, is a way to show them we care. There are so many options in so many price ranges today. Stylish collars and leashes feature a variety of colours as well as can be personalized with your dog�s name, if we want. There are different widths and fasteners to choose from as well. However, no matter if the collar and leash are plain or fancy dog owners need them. So go ahead and look into getting something stylish for your furry friend.
When choosing a collar and leash think about everything available and what�s best for your dog. While we choose from a variety of clothes and jewelry dogs have different items available to them as well, such as a studded leather collar and leash. Nevertheless, using a wide collar isn�t a good idea because it irritates a dog�s throat. Another thing to keep in mind is the strength of the collar and leash. Will the product be strong enough for you to keep control if your pet wants to run off? Will it stay together? The perfect fit for your dog is also very important when shopping for your dog�s collar and the leash. Your pet needs to be comfortable and safe in whatever new collar and leash you choose. Measure your pet by putting a tape measure around the neck, place two fingers under the tape and add a few inches to the measurement. This is because dog collars are sold by even number sizes. Go up to the next size if the measurement is an odd number.
A new fashionable collar and leash also needs to be practical. The ability to display your pet�s identification (ID) tags is very important in case your dog is lost. These tags provide your pet�s name, home address, your name, telephone number, veterinarian�s name and phone number. Furthermore, be sure the collar can also accommodate your dog�s rabies tags and a medical condition tag, if needed. Other styles of collars and leashes available today are: Breakaway - are designed to prevent choking a dog because it releases when tugged hard. This feature saves dogs� lives, but remains intact when used with the leash. Buckle - are made of leather, nylon or cotton and flat or rolled and adjusts to fit your dog�s neck. Greyhound limited slip or limited slip - are adjusted to tighten without choking a dog when it tries to pull out of a collar. Round - are made to not harm or break the dog�s hair. Remember, safety first when choosing a collar and leash no matter the cost or style. Your beloved companion�s safety and comfort comes first.
About The Author Written by Jeff Nenadic from - The best online selection of and is at Oh My Dog Supplies.

How you can Make Your Pet Approved In Airplane Journey by: Amy Wells

Traveling is rarely a enjoyable endeavor. You will find so many little details to often and if you're taking the household pet along, it may become even more stressful. Many airlines have strict regulations in location when it comes to bringing a dog or cat on board and you would like to become particular you're totally clear on these before you get to the airport. Nothing is quite as frustrating as becoming informed the furry member of one's household cannot fly. To steer clear of this type of situation usually ensure you're traveling with airline authorized pet carriers. You will find two various ways to transport your animal on an airplane and it truly is dependent on how big they're. For all large dogs you'll need to check the animal and they'll be stored in the airplane. You'll require 1 of the oversized airline authorized pet carriers for this. Prior to the animal will be accepted at check-in you'll be needed to supply your title and address and last destination. This information will be attached to the container holding your pet in situation something goes amiss and also the animal is separated out of your flights.
Many people select to deliver their pets on board as a piece of carry-on luggage. This really is truly only acceptable if you're utilizing a little dog carrier or perhaps a little cat carrier. These should match the dimensions specified by the airline as becoming appropriate to get a carry-on. You'll want to be able to retailer it beneath the seat in front of you as opposed to the overhead storage bins. This assists your four-legged friend feel more relaxed because they know you're near by. A great rule of thumb to remember whenever you are looking for 1 of those useful pet must-haves is the fact that your animal should match easily in it. You cannot attempt and match a large dog into a little carrier. The animal has to be able to lie down and it should have sufficient room for the dog or cat to turn around. All airline authorized pet carriers need to accommodate your pet in these ways. If they don't, you likely will not be able to deliver the pet with you, that will imply a delay inside your journey.
All of us understand how much more handy it's to journey with luggage that allows for ease of motion. This means you'll truly want to think about airline authorized pet carriers which have wheels. This really is accurate regardless if you're buying 1 to get a little, lightweight animal or perhaps a very large dog. Your pet will be much more comfortable becoming pulled in a carrier which has wheels than they could be if you had been carrying them. Just imagine how much smoother it will be for them. If you think about your pet to become component of one's household you'll want to make particular that they're as safe as possible when traveling by air. Buy a carrier that meets airline regulations and allows your pet room to maneuver and relaxation. This way you'll know that they'll usually be snug and secure.
About The Author Discover the ultimate Vehicle Pet Barrier buying guide at

Dog Obedience Trials by: Jeff Nenadic

A good way of measuring how well your training and dog handling skills are progressing is to enter your dog into obedience trial events. Obedience trials are sponsored on a regular basis by dog food manufacturers, other canine product providers, dog breed associations and a host of other companies and organizations. They are held locally, nationally and sometimes internationally; normally there is no restriction as to the type of dog that is entered. The dog doesn�t have to be a registered pedigree but if your dog is, he will not be excluded. The list of entrants will be split into categories of size, weight, breed or crossbreed to maintain a fair balance of dogs competing against each other in the trials. Youngsters and children are also allowed to enter their dogs and sometimes junior handling trainers are made available to them. The cost of entry is very small, particularly if the trials are held locally. The trials are usually broken down into the following groups:- Basic level Trial events may vary in different countries but usually in a basic level obedience trial you will need to be able to demonstrate that your dog is able to walk with or without a leash accompanied by his dog handler, respond to the �come�, �sit� and �down� commands, walk in different directions without touching or showing attention to his handler together with being able to stand still when the judge performs an examination of him. Your dog will also need to demonstrate that he is able to sit and stay for whatever time is set by the organizer of the trials. Open The Open level group is more difficult because the dog has to demonstrate that he is capable of working off the leash with the handler. Some of the time, the dogs in this group will be required to work together and at others they will work individually. Among the skills required to excel in the Open level are the ability to retrieve and drop an item on command, heel in a figure of eight and jump over a wide gap or object of a certain height together with positive reactions to the �sit� and �down� commands. In addition your dog will be required to sit or stay down for 3 to 5 minutes without his handler being present. Utility The Utility is the most difficult of any obedience trial class. Together with being able to prove all of the skills in the Basic and Open levels, your dog will have to retrieve, from a pile of objects, only those objects which have been touched by his handler. Having retrieved an object your dog will then return the object to the handler on command. His final test will be to follow hand signals with no voice commands to complete a high and broad jump. Dogs are awarded points by the judges of obedience trials. At the beginning of the trials the dog has the maximum points available, usually 200. For each mistake the dog makes his points will decrease. The champion is the dog which, in the judge�s opinion, made the least mistakes. About The Author Written by Jeff Nenadic from My Dog Shop - browse the large selection of dog beds & dog feeders. Visit

Training American Bulldogs by: Ricardo Lumbardo

American bulldogs are loyal and lovable and are very suitable as a family pet. These dogs are very intelligent but they can also be stubborn and light headed. This may lead to a few problems in training. Knowing about their quirks will allow you to train them well to make their obedient. Those who have no experience with the breed earlier may get a little frustrated with training these dogs. Often this may lead to yelling or anger which will definitely not help you. If you are having too many problems training then it is best to get help from a professional trainer who has experience working with the breed.
Obedience Schools Obedience schools for American bulldogs are not only for amateur owners. In fact, a large number of dog owners who have stubborn pets tend to take help from professional trainers to retrain even adult dogs for breaking habits. A professional trainer may work with your pet alone or introduce it to other breeds to help them socialize better. They can train your pet to teach it about your position as the master if you are dealing with a stubborn puppy. You may not even be aware that you are being submissive instead of dominating to the pet. These dogs will respond well to environment where there are other dogs learning.
Socializing Your Dog Another important aspect of training American bulldogs is socializing them. These dogs will need to socialize right from an early age so that they are not aggressive or reserved around strangers. If you are taking help from a professional trainer then the trainer would help socialize the pet. These dogs have a natural strong hunting instinct and for that reason they may be aggressive towards other pets if they are not socialized well. It may not be able to be friendly towards other dogs if it has not been trained well.
Training the breed will require some dedication and patience but you will definitely find it all worth it. A well trained pet will be protective and loyal to your family. These dogs are very intelligent though they may be stubborn. They are very much capable of obeying and learning if you work with them consistently. The breed loves to please the owners so they will definitely do everything they can to please you and follow your commands once it has been trained. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources available today on training this breed and you may even ask for suggestions and guidance from the breeder where you purchase the puppy from. If nothing else works out you can always rely on professional trainers for American bulldogs.
About The Author To know more on how to get authentic, good quality American Bulldogs and to find related information about raising and caring for these dogs, please visit

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Anjing Peliharaan



Kelebihan dari anjing.
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa sebahagian orang sangat taku dan jijik dengan anjing, padahal anjing adalah binatang yang sangat berguna pada saat tertentu.
Misalnya anjing bisa dijadikan sebagai penjaga bagi tuannya pada malam hari, penjaga rumah, penarik kereta salju bagi orang eskimo dll.
Untuk  di kepolisian juga b6iasanya anjing dilatih untuk membantu mereka menemukan jejak jejak pencuri, perampok serta mencari narkotika dan penyeludupan. Karena anjing sangat tajam dalam hal penciuman, penglihatan, pendengaran.
Daya penciuman anjing sangatlah tajam, sebagai anjing penjaga rumah, anjing bisa melacak jejak pencuri melalui bau tubuh atau pakaian.
Kelebihan yang lain adalah pendengaran anjing, anjing mampu mendengar suara-suara yang tidak terdengar oleh indera manusia begitu juga penglihatan yang sangat tajam dibandingkan dengan penglihatan manusia.

Fungsi dari anjing tergantung dari kegunaan yang diinginkan, misalnya penuntun orang buta, anjing pemburu, anjing penjaga, anjing pelacak narkotika, anjing pelacak bom atau bahan-bahan terlarang lainnya.
Anjing bisa mencegah pencurian, perampokan dengan gongongan mata yang tajam, sehingga orang yang tadinya bermaksud jahat bisa mengurungkan keinginannya untuk melakukannya.
Kalau dalam hal penyerangan, biasanya anjing yang melakukan penyerangan dengan cara menggigit adalah anjing jenis gembala jerman, rottweiller, doberman atau pitbull yang bisa menyebabkan luka yang serius sampai kepada kematian.

Jenis-jenis anjing
-          Herder atau anjing gembala jerman,
Anjing ini banyak dipakai untuk menjaga ternak seperti domba, sapi dan biri-biri
-          Belgian sheepdog
-          Beauceron (ras Prancis)
-          Labrador Retriever
-          Golden retriever (anjing ini sangat cerdas, periang, dan tidak mudah menyerah)
-          Doberman
-          Boxer (asal jerman)
-          Rottweiler
-          Australian Sheepdog (anjing ini sangat kuat, enerjik dan cerdas)